Yeah! We finally are finished with most of the fix-me-up projects around the house. Perhaps Max is most excited about it. For much of the past two weeks he has been quarantined in the piano room so that he didn't go exploring onto the exposed tack strips or dip his hands into the opened paint cans (which he successfully did).This is our new tile floor entryway. We chiseled out the old pink tile (don't ask me what the original builders were thinking when they put in pink) and put in this new stuff. It turned out to be an all day project.
Below is the front room. You can see bits of the piano room and Sarah's yellow kitchen with white cabinets.
Below is the master bedroom. Ahh, we love the space.
Below is the master bathroom. Its got fun textured walls that replaced the yucky wallpaper that you saw in the previous post. This room might have taken the most work on a per square foot basis. We were happy with the result.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
New House Pics
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
House Updates
It's been a while since we last updated the blog. We've been busy with family trips, graduation, moving to Tennessee, and fixing up the house. We thought we'd give a few updates on how the house is coming. Here she is: our little house on Sandywood Ln.
We bought the house for its structural solidarity and not for its curb-appealing cleanliness. Mom Meacham helped us clean every nook and corner.
The two spacious walk-in closets are the advantages of the master bathroom. The horrendous wallpaper is not, at least judging by the actions of Dad Meacham.
Sarah is using joint compound to fill the defects left behind by the wallpaper and she will try to add her artistic touch to bring the master bathroom to life.
Ryan and Dad Jeffery throw on a fresh coat of paint to the door connecting the kitchen and the garage.
Even Max was trying to be helpful. He decided our new walls needed to be scrubbed. The scrupulous viewer will notice the fresh bruises on his forehead, which resulted from a fall this morning. We learned that it's not a good idea for the beginning walker to wear socks onto a hard tile floor.